quinta-feira, abril 23, 2009
quinta-feira, abril 16, 2009
iphoto-graphic moleskine - 009

ART; A New Chapter of Nan Goldin's Diary
Published: Sunday, November 16, 2003
NAN GOLDIN is a photographer whose work is a record of her life. If this were the 19th century, she might be called a diarist. Her formal compositions have depicted her friends in candid moments -- in bars and clubs, funky bedrooms and bathrooms, hanging out, having sex, doing drugs, looking warily at each other, themselves or the camera. Often these characters were estranged from society, but not necessarily from each other, and especially not from the photographer. Anything and anyone Ms. Goldin shot were intimate to her. In exhibitions and in books, she has included some self-portraits, a few of which presented devastating views of her own self-destructiveness. But, she suggests, no portrait of her could be complete without the people she loves and what's around her. ''The Ballad of Sexual Dependency,'' the work in which she first documented her friends and herself, her scene, forged a genre, with photography as influential as any in the last 20 years.
iphoto-graphic moleskine,
nan goldin
the time machine

nas últimas semanas o campo transformou-se de tal forma que nos vimos arrastados por essa mesma força. o tempo tem sido passado com muita música, de dentro para fora e de fora para dentro. muitas imagens novas, muita fotografia, muitas plantas novas, muitos bebés, primavera com intervalos de inverno. esta ficção brinda-nos ainda com alguns pontos fortes: o cruzeiro da Pimenta Rosa, o aniversário do Pimento Cardinal, o meu próprio aniversário, e as reuniões surreais do costume. tudo a recordar posteriormente, se fôr caso disso... enquanto isso, keepin' it low profile, let's jazz away...
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