The goal of manipulation is to control and overpower other people to do what you want them to do for you.
The negative effects of continued use of manipulation to control others are that:
People will wake up to your "con job'' on them and be no longer willing to support, assist, or help out when you need them.
You will become more likely to believe your own "con'' stories and fantasies and slip into a "pre-psychotic'' state with the inability to tell the difference between the reality and fantasy in your stories and lies.
You will get caught up in the need to continue to manipulate and con because it is the only way people will respond to you since they won't be able to relate to you as a "real'' or authentic person because that side of you is rarely shown.
People will find it difficult to fully trust you in the future and they will intentionally distance themselves from you for their own self-protection.
You run the risk of loss of a healthy "conscience'' and you will not be able to see the wrongness of your lying, conniving and storytelling.
People will be hurt by your behaviors because they will have opened themselves up to you by believing your "con job'' and then will be hit in the face by the reality of your scam on them.
You run the risk of being the recipient of others' anger, resentment, revenge seeking, hatred, or rage when they 'wake up'' to how they have been manipulated, used and abused.
You will use up enormous amounts of emotional energy in continuing your con of others and have little left to care for yourself.
You will experience a greater degree of stress and anxiety as time goes on and your con story line becomes more complex and people begin to pick apart the falsehood and dishonesty in your story.
You will experience depression and an emptiness as you realize that all of your success up to a point has been built like a "house of cards.''
Your low self-esteem will be exacerbated because of the lack of ability to take pride in your hard honest work to become everything you were capable of becoming.
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